
Social Housing outperformed by Private Rental - Arthur Online

Written by Arthur Online | Aug 16, 2017 9:44:00 AM

Arthur investigates the findings of the English Housing Survey to see what it has revealed about England’s homes.

The English Housing Survey is an annual report which looks at the current state of the housing market in England. The survey looks at around 15,000 different homes and is, most importantly, non-bias. This year, the report has come out and dispelled some of the myth’s that have been in the newspapers (and this blog) in regards to affordability, rises and drops in price and has also shown the influence London has on national statistics. However, one worrying trend that appears to be coming to the fore is that social housing is being outperformed by private rental’s in two key areas.

The first of these areas is the tenants satisfaction with their accommodation. Within the private sector, 10% of tenants said they were dissatisfied with the accommodation they were provided with. Whilst one in ten is not a brilliant showing from the private sector, social housing came in at 13% dissatisfaction. Both numbers are really unacceptable as it is a landlords duty to provide good accommodation to their tenants. Furthermore, social housing providers offer more than just housing; they are there to provide services to help people. The fact that 13% are dissatisfied with their most basic requirement is not good.

The second area is with regards to repairs completed on a property. In the private rental sector, 18% of tenants were dissatisfied with the way repairs were completed. again, the social housing sector came in slightly worse at 22%. Now, with regards to repairs, there are far more variables that may affect a tenants satisfaction. For example, the quality of the work completed. However, the quality of work is often down to the quality of contractor employed or even unforeseeable circumstances. This could be spun many different ways, but the endgame is that in social housing one in five tenants are dissatisfied with the quality of repairs completed on their property.

The good news is that now this information has come to light, it can be assessed and dealt with therefore allowing for a better service to be provided in the future.

Arthur Online owes a debt of gratitude to The Property Podcast, who did all the leg work regarding the stats.


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